Intricate Details about Bioidentical Hormone Therapy
Hormone levels can become unbalanced long after puberty. They frequently seek relief from their problems through hormone replacement therapy. In recent years, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (also known as BHRT) has gotten a lot of discussion in the medical community. Its main selling point is that it claims to answer hormonal problems honestly. BHRT is effective for both men and women. It helps with perimenopause and menopausal symptoms the most. Humans have created bioidentical hormones. Plant estrogens, which are chemically equivalent to human hormones, are the source of these supplements. Bioidentical hormones San Diego can be administered through pills, patches, creams, gels, and injections. Plants produce bioidentical hormones Unlike conventional hormones, bioidentical hormones are generated from plant sources such as yams and soybeans, which are generally synthetic and derived from animal sources. Bioidentical hormones are chemically and compositionally identical t...