Know About Hormone Replacement Treatment

Female Hormone Therapy in San Diego

Menopause marks the end of menstruation in a woman’s life. It occurs because a woman stops ovulating (releasing a mature egg once monthly), and her ovaries no longer produce estrogen or progesterone (the female sex hormones).  Menopause means 'the last period.' It is a natural event that marks the end of the reproductive years, just as the first menstrual period during puberty marks the start. It is official 12 months after a woman's last cycle.

Experts who offer Female hormone therapy San Diego say that HRT, also known as hormone therapy (HT) or menopausal hormone therapy (MHT), is medication containing the exact same hormones that a woman's body stops producing at menopause. HRT is used to treat menopausal symptoms.

While HRT reduces the likelihood of some debilitating diseases such as osteoporosis, colorectal (bowel) cancer, and heart disease, it may increase the chances of developing a blood clot (when given in tablet form, that's why we prefer the transdermal application) or breast cancer (when some types, equine estrogens are used long-term).

Menopause symptoms and HRT as per hormone specialist San Diego:

        hot flushes and night sweats

        vaginal dryness

        thinning of vaginal walls

        vaginal and bladder infections

        mild urinary incontinence

        aches and pains

        insomnia and sleep disturbance

        cognitive changes, such as memory loss

        reduced sex drive

        mood disturbance

        abnormal sensations, such as ‘prickling’ or ‘crawling’ under the skin


        hair loss or abnormal hair growth

Other therapies, including vaginal estrogen products, antidepressants, or other medications, may be used depending on the symptoms and risk factors. Seek advice from your doctor. Hence you can think of HRT.


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